How to Make Passive Income Selling Canva Templates

I have been selling Canva templates for a couple of years now; through all these years, Canva templates have brought me $$,$$$ in earnings. The best thing of all is that it was mostly passive income with a few hours of work every month.

Gumroad Analytics:


Go to Etsy or other sites where Canva templates are sold and research what templates are selling the most; my research has shown me that infographics sell for the most money and have a medium customer base.

Those are a few of the thousands of Canva templates I’ve made on this topic:

When you buy my book, you get over 20 packs of Canva templates with a resell license as one of the bonuses, so if you don’t have the skills/time to make templates yourself when you buy my book, you get enough to start your own business, the value of those templates alone would cover the cost of the book, and the advanced Canva selling guide is in the book to help you increase your sales even more.

Set up Your Stores

Go to Etsy and Creative Fabrica and set up your stores and listings, the process is similar on both sites:

In links for your products, you can set up your designs on Gumroad or Behance and then paste the links there, The same goes for Links to your design portfolio, you can use Behance there as well.

Platforms that you can use to sell: Gumroad, Etsy, Creative Fabrica & Creative Market. There are plenty of other sites you can use, like eBay. In our book, I left over 40-50 sites where I made gigs/ads and just left them without any effort on my part; they brought me passive income every month.


This is one of the most important parts, if you don’t set a good description or title, you won’t get anywhere. Go to the ads of other sellers and review their titles, descriptions, and keywords, better look at those who have a lot of sales because if they have a lot of sales, it means that their keywords are doing well. Having well-optimized titles and descriptions should, on its own, start getting you traffic and sales after some time.


You can ask your friends(Don’t ask your family, you guys probably share similar IPs because of your WI-Fi, and most of these platforms will block you) to buy a few designs from you, even better if they’re online friends, pay them the cash to buy them, first few sales are most important and also hardest to get.


In the end, you can start doing paid adverts on platforms like Etsy and start slowly experimenting, it could bring you even more passive income that way, if Etsy isn’t available in your country, there are still a lot of other platforms that you can use so don’t be discouraged.

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